Packaging Design Prerequisites

Packaging Design prerequisites are very vital before you start designing. Moreover, the packaging design is a significant element in your brand identity. The packet food you buy, the vitamins you take, your delivery package from the shopping site and mostly everything around you is surrounded by bags, packets, boxes or jars/bottles. Therefore, packaging design is more than just a cute…

Packaging Design Trends- 5 Wonderful Trends in 2022

Packaging design trends 2022 consist of many fun, colorful and interesting designs. You can always judge a book by its cover. The idiom isn’t suitable for the people who refer to buy the product by the appearance of its packaging. The packaging design for products is often what influences people’s decisions about which products to buy. Which means, packaging design…

Packaging Design Importance: Judge a Book by it’s Cover

Packaging design is way more important than you think. Have you ever heard of the phrase “don’t judge the book by it’s cover”. Well the idiom represents that it is inadvisable for someone to judge by their looks. However the idiom does not support the design industry. The human mind is primarily a visual one, and there are endless examples…

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